Precious "Alannah" Turner

Precious "Alannah" TurnerEntrepreneur. Speaker. Philanthropist. Actress. Law School Candidate

I started my entrepreneurship career at 9 years old, selling flowers on the street corner. Thirty years later, I have grown that business and others. You may have seen me as a model in magazines or on the crockpot box. In 2009, I created Sow Social Labs to manage my businesses and partnerships under one umbrella; including our partnership with Porter Craig Media to ensure that the entertainment culture is equitable and inclusionary for promising media content producers. Since then I have helped countless others achieve success via the businesses and charities I am passionate about. From Technology to Entertainment...Keep scrolling to learn about me and don't hesitate to connect with me.


I became a young mother at 23 and now that my son is in college, I am free to pursue my goal of becoming an attorney.  I gained invaluable experiences over the past 19 years.  I want to expound on my unique experiences to help people like you successfully navigate the law and protect themselves. 

Here are the steps I have already taken to apply to law school.

  • LSATs completed.
  • Prepared 4 writing samples that must be tailored for each school
  • All transcripts have been submitted.
  • 4 Letters of Recommendation. 


  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Programming and Web Development Institution
  • ECPI University Year of Graduation: 2011,
  • GPA 3.7 Suma Cum Laude,
  • Founder and President, Web & Programming Club
  • Honorary Member of the National Technical Honor Society


  • Girl Scouts of America, Troop Leader, Troop 3822
  • William Fox Elementary PTA, Vice President, Membership Code
  • RVA PTSA, Vice President Howard Fitts Memorial Scholarship, Benefactor, supporting aspiring students in their pursuit of higher education


  • Virginia Information Technology Association Project Management Professional
  • Certification Six Sigma Greenbelt
  • Certified Social Media Strategist (Emory University)
  • Certified Neurolinguistic Programming Practioner 


  • Resourceful, detail-oriented, self-starter with the ability to identify and analyze complex problems and provide comprehensive and strategic solutions.
  • Creative thinker and confident presenter with stellar communication and negotiation skills and an uncanny ability to encourage team building and conflict/crisis resolution by understanding the needs and concerns of the customer and staying focused on team goals.
  • An emotionally intelligent communicator who can bring people and organizations together by building trustworthy relationships and strategic professional connections.


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